Answers from my students: Christmas Edition

This doesn't have anything to do with our house, but it makes me giggle so I thought I'd share.

I teach middle school chorus. Throughout the year, I give my students various written activities and their answers are always.....interesting. Occasionally I pass on the really fantastic ones to my family through email. Here is the latest group. I like to call them "Chorus Answers: Christmas Edition"

The children were assessing their latest concert using a rubric. (Is my evaluator reading this? The word "rubric" alone should be a 3 at least!) On the back, they were supposed to write a brief synopsis of our performance. Here are some of the highlights:

"We should be loweder so they can hear us and try to speit the words out."
"I really like all the songs, but I prefer if we song a song (yes, that's what she wrote) that we all were fermeler (yep....) like Firework by Katy Perry (if you are "fermeler" with this song,you know that this is a HORRIBLE IDEA)
"I did not like "Bless you all" because it was SO STUPID." (thanks!)
"I love the way you teach, Mrs. Mcurrdy!" (Aw.....that's not my name, but whatever). And I love the cloth you wear!!! (Ah yes, my formal "concert" loin cloth. I love it too)
"I think we did great and even my mom said we were perfesionals" (Yes, I'm sure your mom is super qualified to make the call on who is "perfesional")
"I think we did a good job even though I didn't like the last song very well, or the 1st or 2nd songs" (We sang 3 songs total.)
"I love you Mrs. Mikcury. Sorry I cant spell your name" (I miss the days of being a Berry! Everyone could spell that)
"The first concert was pretty good but my cheeks were full of happiness when we sung "Bless you all"' (Uh, what? Drugs are bad. Also, in true middle school fashion, on the back of her paper this kid wrote "I HATE THIS SCHOOL.")
"I think that I did horrible at the conserts. I didn't sing loud or open my mouth. I messed with the people around me." (Why would you admit this to your teacher??? I didn't know any of that until you WROTE IT DOWN AND HANDED IT IN TO ME.)

And my absolute favorites:
1. "I don't see what the song "What you gonna call your pretty little baby" has to do with Christmas."
2. "What you going to call your pritty little baby- I don't know how that would fit in with Christmas unless it was talking about the birth of jesuse."
I see how that could be confusing. Here is the text to this piece "What you gonna call your pretty little baby? Born, born in Bethlehem. Sweet little baby, born in a manger. Born, born in Bethlehem."
Now, help me remember, who was that baby born in Bethlehem? The one in a manger? Shoot, it's on the tip of my tongue....

Also, select spellings of the word "concert" (which, incidentally, was written on this worksheet at LEAST 10 times)


We sang a piece called "Somewhere in my Memory" by John Williams. Here are some unique spellings of "Memory"

And my personal fave.......mammary. Ah, "Somewhere in my Mammary", my favorite Christmas tune.

Merry Christmas!


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