Bloggin' ain't easy
So, as keeping with the theme of this blog, I suck at updating. Lately, something has been really eating away at my time. Oh right, it's my job: teaching. All that time to blog in the summer is now replaced with all things music education. :)
Well, we have big news at the McCurdy house. Drum roll please..........
I am wearing clean clothing.
Okay, so this might not qualify as "big news" to you, but if you've been spraying your shirts with Downy Wrinkle Release and calling that good enough for 6 WEEKS, you'd be excited too. Okay, before you get all judgey on me, we've done a few loads here and there (Picture us, walking into a friends house for game night--- "Hey guys, great to see ya! Hey, while we're playing Yahtzee, think I could stick my delicates in your washer? Super.") Yeah. That happened.
Okay, so to review, here is our former laundry "room" (re: laundry "bottom of the staircase area")

Here it is "mid construction"
And here it is today!

Okay, here's the other awesome "before and after": the downstairs bathroom. Here's "before" (when it was the front staircase)

Here's during, when it was first a big hole in the 2nd floor and then nothing but studs.

And here's today!

Okay, I know: that's just a toilet. But that's essentially all it is today. Tomorrow, we hope to get the sink and vanity in, but for today, this is pretty big news.
So, I will try my darnedest to blog again soon. Especially since I haven't even told you about the floors, or the newel post, or the light fixtures.....
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