My first post

Hello world!
This blog is set up to keep our friends and family updated on our renovation projects at McCurdy House. We hope to post pictures and stories periodically.
So, a little background in case you're new to our story. Actually, we're new to it to, since it kinda just started. Russell and I got married about a month ago- June 5, 2010. After a fantastic honeymoon to Disneyworld, we bought out first house.
A little background on the house- well, as much as we know so far- it's about 100 years old, built either in 1900 or 1910*. (*Update: 1903) The style is American Foursquare, although it's missing the typical broad front porch that stretches across the front facade of the house. Ours covers a little more then half. It's currently divided into a duplex. We're not sure when that happened- either during the Depression or the 70's are our guesses, but those are totally unfounded. For this first year, we're renting "Apartment 2" (re: half our house) to a good friend, Damien Rose, and his pony sized dog, Tundra.
In total, the house has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 kitchens, 2 living rooms, 0 dining rooms, 0 laundry rooms, and 3 porches, all of which need work in some way. Structurally, it's very sound: brand new roof, good foundation, solid electrical and plumbing. Cosmetically, another story. The exterior needs a complete face lift: replacing/restoring the wood siding, same for the wood windows, new paint, new porches. The interior layout will need to be reworked when we return it to a single family house. Nearly all the moldings and fireplaces have been painted white, so we'll strip that. The floors need to be refinished. A new kitchen, w/d room, and downstairs bathroom need to be built. Many of the plaster walls need to be replaced or repaired.
So, we've got a lot of work to do! But we're in it for the "long haul" and we're not in a rush. One room at a time. :)
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